
In May of 2007, six amateur Chinese folk instrumentalists got together on a casual occasion and cheered one another for our childhood passion. This marks the informal inception of Thousand Oaks Chinese Folk Ensemble  (hereinafter “TOCFE”, 千橡民樂坊)

In the past fifteen years, we have had five terms of leaders. Now the director is Patrick Xie , the assistant director is Jun You and the conductor is Xingzhong Xia. Our Ensemble has grown from six to more than twenty members.

TOCFE typically has two performance seasons: September/Mid-Autumn Festival or May/Dragon Boat Music Festival and February/Lunar Spring Festival. TOCFE performed a variety of repertoire ranging of “Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon”, ”Dance of the Golden Snake”, ”Overture of the Spring Festival”, “Peking Melody”, “Camel Bell”, “Picking up Reeds flower”, “Dance Melody of Yao”, “Beautiful Lake Tai”. Especially TOCFE has experimented collaboration with other local groups to successfully produce “Colorful Yunnan”, “Swan Geese”, “Return Home” and “Jasmine Flower” and many other music pieces.

Members of TOCFE proudly believe that they have not only enriched their own daily lives, more importantly, they have also contributed effectively to the bridging of eastern and western music, strengthening the cultural and educational exchange in local Community.


TOCFE Director/Deputy Director and Art Director

2006 – 2007:  Anruo Zou

2008 – 2010:  Ze Chong

2011 – 2013:  Shawn Shi/Wenxun Ji (Deputy)

2014 – 2019.3:  Kelly Wang/Lucy Zhou (Art Director)

2019.3-2021.7:  Qiao Yan/Lucy Zhou (Art Director)

2021.7-Present:  Patrick Tse/Jun You (Deputy)


2006~Present:  Xingzhong Xia


2006 – 2007: 邹安若

2008 – 2010: 丛泽

2011 – 2013: 史新跃/纪文迅 (付团长)

2014 -2019.3: 汪宜/周鹭 (艺术指导)

2019.3-2021.7: 颜桥/周鹭 (艺术指导)

2021.7-至今: 谢既白/游军 (付团长)


2006~至今:      夏兴中